Over the years Design Junction has matured from a student show, complete with a tequila bar, to a platform for eco and cost conscious urban designers to showcase their innovative wares whilst sipping fair trade coffee. It attracts press from all around the world and the exhibitors tend to be the makers themselves, so you get a real sense of the history and purpose of the brand.
Reducing the cost of ‘high design’ seemed to be at the forefront of many of the companies. The owner of Vita
Whilst the show hosts a range of furniture, textile and jewellery design, this year with was the lighting displays which really stood out. It wasn’t over designed or too modern, and would slip seamlessly into most homes and offer a contemporary edge and flattering glow. Nearly all pieces can be altered in some way to increase individuality and most come with a variety of cord and fixture colours to fit in with any scheme.
Elsewhere in the show the tranquil Secret Garden provided by wild flower experts Bloomon provided a refreshing visual amuse bouche from all the industrial metal and concrete design.
and for once the weather was nice enough to take advantage of the space around Granary Square where giant Monopoly houses showcased products or dispensed design advice. Dorn Bracht even managed to sync the foundation to it’s taps!