One of our clients was particularly keen on have great amounts of storage in his home, as he travelled a lot and often had lots of family to stay with him. Therefore the need for storage of plenty of clothes, coats and suitcases was paramount. The hallway in particular provided us with a great opportunity to create some beautiful built in storage. It not only left the space of the hallway untouched and spacious, but also was completely invisible and blends in seamlessly with the panelling around the rest of the hall.
The images below indicate exactly where the built in cupboards are located (highlighted in blue). If you would like to see the rest of this project click here.
A place that is often not utilised to its full potential is the space under stairs. It is usually and awkward shape and not quite big enough to make it liveable, which makes it a perfect place for storage. One of our latest projects, our clients needed extra storage for bikes and children’s toys and games. As they are undergoing a basement renovation, the space under their stairs was rendered null and void, and so provided the best spot to squeeze in that much needed storage for their growing family.
To make life easier we’re installing bike storage systems that make them a lot more straight forward to access, no longer will our clients have to wrestle with other bikes in order to get to the one they want. On top of this there is the possibility of installing a number of drawers in various sizes to accommodate the many toys and games. This means that their play space can be easily cleared away when not in use and will be a lot easier to keep organised.
One space saving solution to storing bikes – available at, and many other DIY outlets.
Sometimes it seems we need to create storage out of thin air. Although this may feel impossible, there is always a way of getting round the problem. In another of our recent projects we’ve utilised the ceiling height, to make the most of otherwise unused space. Instead of building boxy, overhead storage, we’ve designed a bed that is built up to accommodate a vast amount of storage beneath it.
This not only has storage in the 11 draws visible in the images, but the mattress is also on a mechanism that allows it to be levered up to gain access to even more storage space in the remaining empty section below. The pull out desk also provides a further space saving solution, whilst a hidden cavity provides the perfect secret space for valuables. Our clients also wanted the bed to double as a meditation area, again providing a space with that has a myriad of uses and space saving solutions.
Stay tuned to see how these project develop and to see the storage bed and bike storage in their finished beauty.
Hopefully this has provided you with some inspiration for your own storage solutions!