Most people only think of hiring a residential interior designer when they buy or want to renovate, but it can be a really useful service for renters too.
If you are being sent to, or coming back to the UK, Kia Designs can help, and we can even handle everything from this end so that by the time you land on these shores your temporary home is all ready to go. Just let us see the floor plans and a few photos, and tell us which items of furniture you are shipping, give us a good idea of the quantity of your belongings and some style inspiration and we’ll purchase any necessary items for you and decorate it to your taste. We won’t do any wallpaper or painting or breach your tenancy agreement in any way. Because this is a light re-decoration we’ll only use products with a very short lead time, so we can move very quickly. This service will save you the hassle of arriving in an unfamiliar place and having to look for a sofa and dining table after a long day acclimatising to a new job.
This can be a very affordable way to adjust to new surroundings, you’ll just pay the design fee and a small buying fee, and then you
nters too. Rental properties can struggle to feel like a home, and if you know you are only going to be posted to the UK for 3 or so years it can be hard to find the motivation to settle in and make it feel like yours. are ready to have your new boss over for drinks, and spend your early weekends out exploring this great city.
Call us today to hear how we can made the move a stress and hassle free experience for numerous relocating families and expats. We can handle your new home no matter where you are in the world…
Put your feet up and let us do the hard work!